Greetings and welcome to my little website.

I guess I fancy myself something of a writer. A couple of years ago, I published the novel Younghee & the Pullocho, a fantasy story about a girl whose little brother is kidnapped by a Korean goblin. To learn more about the book or read the first chapter, just link that above link — or you can order it as an e-book from Amazon here.

In addition, I wrote two non-fiction books about Korea, K-Pop Now! and Pop Goes Korea. And in another life, I spent a long time as a journalist, mostly in Korea and Asia. You can read more about my history and what I’ve written at the About link.

I also keep a blog, where I talk about my writing, pop culture, and whatever else amuses me. I don’t update it much these days, but I keep telling myself I’m going to. Maybe one of these days, I actually will. Feel free to check it out and leave a comment. It’s always nice to hear from you.

Twitter: @themarkrussell