Books, blog and other blather

Month: June 2007 (Page 2 of 2)

D-Day for D-War

Hey, look at that. We finally have a release date for D-WAR, the humungous dragon/action movie. And that date would be August 2. You can go to the D-WAR website to check out the trailer and posters and things (only Korean, sorry).

UPDATE: I need to check my press releases more carefully. The D-WAR release also says that the monster movie is going to be released in the United States in August, on around 1,500 screens. By the distributor Freestyle Releasing, if you are interested. At any rate, 1,500 would be by far the biggest release ever for a Korean movie in the United States… or anywhere for that matter. Even half that number would be pretty impressive.

Incidentally, Showbox (the Korea distributor) is now downplaying D-WAR’s budget. Instead of $70 million, they are now saying $30 million… The other $40 million was apparently for technical development and related investments at the production house, and so is separate from the movie’s actual budget.

Shrek Free

Kind of a funny story I heard about SHREK 3 and CJ Entertainment, the local distributor of SHREK 3. On Monday, they held the early press screening for the film… however that was when news broke about Jeon Do-yeon’s big win at Cannes, so very few people apparently turned up for it.

The next day, CJE had a press conference with Cameron Diaz (who does the princess’ voice in SHREK 3). But it was scheduled for the same time as the Jeon Do-yeon press conference, so again there was a pretty light turnout.

Poor Dreamworks, foiled by Jeon Do-yeon at every turn.

(At least that is what people are saying… but it is a funny story, even if exaggerated).


In other news, expect very light blogging for the next month or so. My book deadline is rapidly approaching and I have a lot of work to do still. Will try to do the weekly box office still, but I am not sure if I will have time for much else.

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