Books, blog and other blather

New Book Title

Well, it looks like my book has a new title. No more KOREA POP WARS. The new title is going the be POP GOES KOREA: BEHIND THE REVOLUTION IN MEDIA, MUSIC AND INTERNET CULTURE.

A little less zippy than the old title, I guess. But more accurate. The stories I have been telling turned out to be too good natured to be called a “war.” I think they are still engaging and fun stories, just not so warlike.

But important thing is that my first draft of the book is done. Just submitted the conclusion to the publisher on Saturday evening. I am sure there will be questions and revisions and other changes, but the important thing is that my book is written. So I am pretty excited.

Still many more miles to go before the book hits the shelves. The cover is just being designed now, and the editing has just begun. But early word is that sales response has been “very good,” so that is encouraging.

Not sure if I am going to stick with this blog name or if I will switch to POP GOES KOREA. Would make some sense to switch… but I do have a year’s worth of inertia at this site. I’ll try to figure out how I feel some time soon.

1 Comment

  1. Justin

    Here’s one vote for keeping the current name! I’m used to it, I guess.

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