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Random Notes – Vol 3, No. 3

  • Good news for Hong Sang-soo — his latest film, NIGHT AND DAY, will be competing at the Berlin Film Festival. Despite winning all sorts of film award all over the world, and having been in competition at Cannes twice, I do believe this is Hong’s first time having a film in competition at Berlin. Good for him.

    After a bit of a dull stretch of film, Hong had a comeback of sorts with WOMAN ON THE BEACH, which I quite liked. Advance word on NIGHT AND DAY is pretty good so far… even though it clocks in at an intimidating 2 hours 24 minutes.

    I am especially looking forward to NIGHT AND DAY because the wonderful and talented Chun Sun-young worked on it as Assistant Director. Sun-young was nominated for a BAFTA award back in 2002 for her short film GOOD NIGHT.

  • Interesting article in the NEW YORK TIMES today about online gaming, and how Electronic Arts is now offering some games for free. Instead, it is trying to make money from “microtransactions” related to the playing of the game… basically, from selling gizmos for your game’s character, anything from clothes to weapons.

    I say this is interesting because anyone who knows Korea’s online gaming world will recognize that business model.

    E.A.’s most recent experiment with free online games began two years ago in South Korea, the world’s most fervent gaming culture. In 2006, the company introduced a free version of its FIFA soccer game there, and Gerhard Florin, E.A.’s executive vice president for publishing in the Americas and Europe, said it has signed up more than five million Korean users and generates more than $1 million in monthly in-game sales.

    Kind of cool. Although, to be honest, a little frustrating, too. Back in 2004-ish, I was talking with EA for months about writing a major feature about this business model and how EA was using the Korean method of online gaming and trying to take it global. But EA kept delaying and delaying and eventually the story kind of fell apart. So close…

  • Some music notes, too (hah!). Sato Yukie has a bunch of shows coming up.
    Jan. 23 – Club FBPoint Zero Three (Yukie’s jam band from Japan)
    Jan. 25 – Club Yogiga – Organic Music Concert. And more Point Zero Three.
    Jan. 27 – Club Yogiga – Bulgasari (4pm)
  • Friday is, of course, the latest Club Day in Hongdae, and it appears that once again, Club Day and Sound Day have been combined into one mega-day. Personally, that number of people scares me, but there are going to be so many bands it should be quite impressive. Galaxy Express, Byul, Oh Brothers, Sugar Donut, and much much more.


    1. Justin

      Mark, did you see the handball movie yet? I’ve been excited for it since Twitch mentioned it awhile back (I’m a big Olympics dork and I remember watching the ’04 finale.) And now it’s a big hit apparently, though of course that’s not necessarily a sign of quality.

    2. Anonymous

      Hi,Do you know where to download “Night and Day”,I can’t find the DVD in my country.
      if you know ,please send the address to my Email:, Thank you very much .

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