Books, blog and other blather

Random Notes – Vol 3, No. 4

  • An interesting little story on Mongolian hiphop in the UB Post. Unfortunately, it does not mention many bands (just Tartar and Har Sarnai, who have been around forever). But interesting to hear that hiphop continues to spread its influence.

    The first time I went to Mongolia, back in the 1990s, the live bands were mostly rock. But each time I go back to Ulaanbaatar, it seems like there is more and more hiphop. I can still remember sitting beside my van once, in the middle of nowhere Mongolia, as this family on horseback rode by; the teenage kid in the family takes one look at me and reflexively said “Yo, gee!” and made a bunch of hiphop-esque sounds.

  • I’m sure you have heard by now, but the Wonder Girls have been named by Virgin Media as one of the top up-and-coming girl groups to watch. Kind of neat that they are getting noticed abroad. The cynic in me will try to overlook the difference between “groups to watch” and “groups to listen to.”
  • Congratulations to Sangsang Madang, the arts space in Hongdae that is run by the Korea Tobacco & Ginseng. Until Sept. 7, Sangsang is holding the Sangsang Festa, featuring outdoor concerts, art exhibitions, movies and more.
  • What the heck? I just went to the Sangsang Madang website and found a post for a free Hongdae tour for foreigners. The tour is Sept. 28 at 1:30 and goes to 5pm. Tour will be lead by the singer for Band the Mu:n (never heard then, although I have heard of them, I think). Tour is limited to 20 people, and you need to apply by Sept. 15.
  • 1 Comment

    1. helikoppter

      Ah, Mongolian hip hop! I was surprised to learn that it was influenced by the American kind as my impression (not that I have ever been there, but every now and then I find myself following Mongolian news) has been that Mongolia usually doesn’t look that far east for influences. Actually, the first I heard of Mongolian hip hop was Lumino’s Ene Bidnii Hair, a cover of S.E.S.’s I’m Your Girl many years ago, and they had a song reminiscing a lot of a Taijiboys piece as well. Though of course they seemed to get more inspiration from pop than hip hop. What I’ve heard of more recent Mongolian hip hop (i.e. Vanquish) does seem more “American”.

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