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Fire and Rain

Looks like the Hollywood PR machine is gearing up for Rain’s all-action, ultraviolent film NINJA ASSASSIN. For example, here is a nice clip of one of the fight scenes.And the NINJA ASSASSIN stories are starting to appear in the press (like here and here), thanks in part to a press conference last week in Seoul.

So far, the only review I see is a pan in Variety — but what did you expect from those humorless dorks. (UPDATE: The Hollywood Reporter review is here. At least this reviewer seemed to get the point a little more.)

NINJA ASSASSIN gets released in the United States, Canada, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia on Nov. 25, then in oodles of other countries in the beginning of December and throughout the month.

UPDATE: Ah, I knew there would be a lot more NINJA ASSASSIN stuff on the web soon enough. Like here are six clips from the film. Most of them are fighting scenes, and most seem well choreographed and bloody and such (although ninjas fighting on the streets is a little goofy… okay, a little *more* goofy).And, best of all, here is the NINJA ASSASSIN trailer in Lego:

1 Comment

  1. Todd

    Hey Mark,

    We created a new, Korean news aggregator and included your RSS feed as part of the content.

    Hope you like it!

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