Books, blog and other blather

Category: Blog Maintenance

Pupils dilated, non-responsive…

Okay, so I decided to get with the time and finally try out a responsive design for this blog. I’m not entirely sure how this tech works, so please let me know if it does not show up properly on your browser.

It’s still a bit ugly. I guess I’ll have to refine things over the next few weeks. But I do like having my books up there in the header. Or perhaps I’ll rotate images or something like that…

Pop Wars Returns at Last

Not sure why this took me so long, but at last I have imported all of Korea Pop Wars, my first blog, into this current site. I guess that does not help much with old incoming links to KPW, but at least it makes all that information more easily available for people who read my little website.

It is kind of fun looking at those old posts. After all, I started the last blog in 2006, during perhaps Korea’s best movie year ever. So you had posts like this box office update, when there were zero Hollywood films in the top 10 — seriously, there were eight Korean films, one Japanese movie, and a Spanish film. And here is a post about the Korean country singer (and friend) Jimmy Lee Jones. Last I checked, Jimmy is still going strong, with his bar down in Daejeon.

Anyhow, if you were looking for my old posts about movies or music or whatever, hopefully they will be easier to find now.

Aye! Of the Tiger

Hi all. As you can see, I am giving advertising a try out on my site for a while. I’m sure there will be plenty of fiddling with the design and such over the next day or so while I work the bugs out (and get those ad links to work). Please be patient.

And drink lots of Tiger Beer.

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