No secret that I am no fan of the screen quota. But I found this latest bit of agitprop from the Screen Quota Coalition to be pretty amusing. I’m not sure why this image is anti-FTA, but it is certainly striking.

In other news, AP is reporting that last night’s Denial of Service hacker attack on the Internet had a strong Korea connection:

Other experts said the hackers appeared to disguise their origin, but vast amounts of rogue data in the attacks were traced to South Korea.

Not a big surprise, given all that has been written lately about Korea’s Internet problems, especially its short-sighted reliance on Microsoft standards and Active-X. Of course, the Korean IT guys are downplaying the significance of Korea being the source of this DoS attack, blaming “zombie computers” that have been taken over by bad, international hackers. But that just begs the question, why are Korean computers so vulnerable to being turned into zombies?