We are now most of the way through the annual BroadCast WorldWide exhibition and conference, otherwise known as BCWW. BCWW has been going on for seven years now, and I have been attending since around the second year (although I have skipped a couple along the way).

BCWW is definitely an industry event. No celebrities or glitz. Just exhibitions halls and conference rooms and oodles of buyers and sellers walking around. I doubt many civilians would find it too interesting (actually, I doubt how many professionals find it interesting, but we all have jobs to do).

All day long, people not in meetings can amuse themselves listening to endless talks about the state of the industry, new media, trends and the like. See how many times each speaker can use words like “convergence” or “IPTV” (hrm… some real drinking game potential there).

This was the biggest BCWW yet. Thanks in part to organizers wisely flying in as many buyers as possible. If you have buyers, you have happy exhibitors. BCWW has come a long way since the first couple of years, although it certainly does not compare to the mega-markets, like MIPTV and MIPCOM (both held in Cannes, France). But I heard a lot of exhibitors saying nice things about the event.

Personally, I wish the nice BCWW folks would merge their event into the Pusan International Film Festival’s movie market. Or at least hold BCWW at the same time in Pusan. Yeah, Pusan is a pain in the butt for all the Seoul-based VIPs, but the schmoozing synergy would be intriguing.