Sorry for taking last week off. Deadlines loomed, once again. But just as it is darkest before the dawn, so too is it deadline-iest before the publication. Or something like that. Anyhow, links ahoy:

  • I had a good time last week as part of a round-table discussion for the JoongAng Sunday about branding in Korea. We started off talking about such majestic blunders as “romantic mushrooms” and “fit milk”, and things just sort of spiraled from there. (JoongAng Sunday – only in Korean for now, sorry).
  • Although more middle-aged white guys telling people what to do? Sorry about that.  :-/
  • 74-year-old feminist artist Yun Suk-nam, painting images on old hanok roof shingles (Korea JoongAng Daily)
  • I knew there were areas around Seoul that were getting heavily foreign, but 58,000 out of 87,000 people? That’s pretty crazy. That would be Wongok-dong in Ansan, at the far end of line No. 4, far to the south of Seoul. On the plus side, think of how easily they’ll soon conquer Songdo. (Korea JoongAng Daily)