It was a great weekend for new music in Hongdae last weekend, as two of my favorite Korean bands, Vidulgi Oooyoo (“Pigeon Milk”) and Juck Juck Grunzie, both had album release parties.

Vidulgi Ooyoo is a very good post-rock shoegazer band. Their album Aero was a favorite of 2008. And at last they’ve released a new full-length album, Officially Pronounced Alive. The show I went to was at Badabie, but the group plans on having two more album release parties, so you still have plenty of time to check them out.

Hey, someone posted a video of Saturday night’s concert already. Here’s the opening song (like many Vidulgi songs, it takes a couple of minutes to really kick in):

Another long-time favorite of mine is Juck Juck Grunzie (né Juck Juck Haeseo Grunzie). How much do I like them? They were the first band I ever wrote about over on my Korea Gig Guide website.

Juck Juck Grunzie came out with an EP a couple of years ago, but despite their being together for seven years, Psycho is their first full-length album.

Shawn has a great write-up about their new album over at the KGG, btw. You can buy Psycho at Hyang’s Music (and hopefully at iTunes before too long).