We had our first snow of the season last night — just a dusting that is pretty much all melted now, but it was still nice. In fact, I think this has been one of the most pleasant Korean autumns I can remember. Clear skies, and a much more gradual cooling than some years (when it seems to plummet from hot to freezing in about 10 days).

So I decided to take a walk down the Cheonggyecheon at lunchtime. As you can see, it was quiet and quite charming.

Cheonggye Nov 2014



I also passed the Dongdaemun Design Plaza.

DDP - Nov 2014

This really amused me. On the back side of the DDP, there is an ugly little room with a couple of rows of desks and chairs. It is close to nothing and resembles nothing as much as a cage in a terrible zoo. The sign on the window: Press Room.

DDP Press